Grayling birds

So the other day we decided to spend a night in Grayling which is in the heart of Kirtland’s Warbler country. It’s been years since we stayed in that area, probably since before 2009 when we built the cabin. Regardless, it was a blast. One of the spots that we visited had tremendous numbers ofContinue reading “Grayling birds”

Finding an interesting orchid

We always stop along M-123, between I-75 and Moran (Mackinac Co., Michigan) to see this orchid when it is blooming. This is the Showy Lady’s-slipper. Sometimes to get there before they are blooming, or after they’re done. But sometime we hit them at peak. That was the case this year with an added benefit. InContinue reading “Finding an interesting orchid”

First full day of summer 2024

We spend a lot of the summer at our cabin at Whitefish Point, Michigan. Spring migration is long over, although yesterday we had a small kettle of eleven Broad-winged Hawks overhead. Now we talk long walks looking for flowers and insects, drive to favorite sites for birds and orchids or light for moths (more onContinue reading “First full day of summer 2024″

Finally, some flowers!

Last night we had a beautiful sunset. This is one of the great joys of having an upper deck that faces west. White flowers seem to be dominating currently. The plant on the left is wild strawberry, there must be thousands between our place and the lighthouse at Whitefish Point. The plant on the rightContinue reading “Finally, some flowers!”

A night filled with moths

When the nights are warmer and without a threat of rain we set up the lights for attracting moths. In this part of May it’s still chancy regarding what we might get at Whitefish Point. The other night was better than we had recently experienced. Here are a few of our moths. We had severalContinue reading “A night filled with moths”

Birdathon at Whitefish Point.

Well, as expected the day started out drizzly and with mist until about noon. The number and variety of birds was lower than the day before. But we managed about 135 species with about a dozen observers. Money raised with this effort will go to supporting the Whitefish Point Bird Observatory. In the course ofContinue reading “Birdathon at Whitefish Point.”

Birds at Whitefish Point

Finally, a small push in passerines at Whitefish Point. We had 12 species of warblers, 2 vireos, 2 flycatchers and a sparrow. Also the Great-tailed Grackle continues to be seen at the point. Warblers included: Nashville, Myrtle, Yellow, Blackburnian, Common Yellowthroat, Magnolia, Tennessee, Black-throated Green, Canada, Orange-crowned and Wilson’s. Vireos were Red-eyed and Philadelphia. FlycatchersContinue reading “Birds at Whitefish Point”

A busy day

Our day started with finishing what we needed to in the garden. There are 46 tomato plants (various cherry, roma and beef beef), 27 hot peppers (9 varieties), 15 basil and a new rosemary. Hopefully they will all make it until we’re home later in the month. On our way north we stopped just eastContinue reading “A busy day”

Time for some harriers

I love watching harriers migrate. Of all of the raptors they have the most-bouyant flight. Additionally when seen well you can identify males, females and juveniles. This is a juvenile harrier. This is probably a juvenile female that passed close to me. At the same time there are always eagles to watch at Whitefish Point.Continue reading “Time for some harriers”